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The SPRINT-project aims to develop a Global Health Risk Assessment Toolbox to assess
impacts of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) on environment and human health and to
propose several transition pathways
The SPRINT-project aims to develop a
Global Health Risk Assessment Toolbox
to assess impacts of Plant Protection Products (PPPs)
on environment and human health
The SPRINT project will make an internationally valid contribution to assess integrated risks and impacts of pesticides on environment and human health, both at regional and European level. SPRINT will inform and accelerate the adoption of innovative transition pathways towards more sustainable plant protection in the context of a global health approach.
The Project
SPRINT aims to develop a Global Health Risk Assessment Toolbox to assess impacts of plant protection products (PPP) on ecosystem, plant, animal and human (EPAH) health.
The SPRINT method
SPRINT consists of 9 interlinked work packages. The distribution and the impacts of PPP on EPAH health will be evaluated at 11 case study sites (CSS)
Measure and Model
PPP pathways, and direct and indirect animal and human exposure routes will be assessed to improve current fate, exposure, and toxicokinetic models
SPRINT is based on a multi-actor approach to engage stakeholders and identify needs, improving farmer and citizen awareness, joint development of novel strategies for reduced reliance on PPP use.