Partner 05: Stichting Katholieke Universiteit- Radboud University and Radboud University Medical Centre

Partner description

Radboud University (RU) is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. Established in 1923 and located in the city of Nijmegen, it has nine faculties and enrols over 22,000 students. The Dept. of Environmental Science and the Dept for Health Evidence have a long standing experience in developing risk assessment methods and models for chemicals for occupational, environmental and consumer health.

Both departments were partners in European projects (e.g. NoMiracle, PHARMAS, iPiE, DiMoPEx and MEDUWA, HBM4EU, BIOMODEM and BIOMONECS) and included contributions to the development risk assessment models: SimpleBox, EUSES, SimpleTreat, ePiE.


Role in the project

RU will act as scientific coordinator of the SPRINT project, in particular on the health aspect (WP9) and will lead WP3. RU also supports substantial contribution in WP2, WP4 (task 4.5 - Assessment of the effects of PPPs’ mixtures on human health) and WP5 (tasks 5.1-5.3 - toolbox development and health impact assessment). Main contributes are in general risk assessment, biomonitoring, analysis of environmental samples, mathematical modelling and PBPK modelling, uncertainty analysis and probabilistic uncertainty analyses, mixture toxicity assessment.

Involved personnel

05 Ragas

Prof. dr. Ragas holds a position as an associate professor at the Department of Environmental Science at RU and as a full professor at the Open Universiteit in Heerlen, NL. His main expertise is the modelling of human and ecological risks of chemicals, covering emissions of chemicals, their fate in the environment, toxicokinetic processes and their adverse effects in humans, farm animals and species of ecological interest. Within this field, his focus is on quantifying and assessing uncertainty of model predictions. He chairs the Dutch scientific advisory committee on quality standards for air and water, and the Dutch Interuniversity Committee on Environmental Sciences. He has been intensively involved in development of methodologies for risk assessment of chemical mixtures, most recently as rapporteur of the EFSA working group on chemical mixtures.

05 Scheepers

Assoc. prof. Scheepers holds a position as an associate professor at the Dept for Health Evidence at the Raboudumc. He started the workgroup Risk Evaluation and Molecular Epidemiology and in 2005 he founded the Research Lab Molecular Epidemiology at the Radboudumc. With his team he develops new
biomarkers and new applications for biomonitoring in occupational and environmental health. He has been a European Registered Toxicologist, and coordinated two EU projects on biomonitoring of carcinogenic substances.

5 Graumans Dr. Graumans is affiliated at the Environmental science department of the Radboud University since September 2022. As a Researcher within the SPRINT project, he is involved in the analysis and detection of plant protection products in human and animal samples. Additionally, he is responsible for other supporting tasks, including coordination, method development and reporting. Previously he worked on his PhD with the topic oxidative treatment of pharmaceuticals in wastewater at the Radboudumc since April 2017. Before starting a PhD, he received a Master degree in Forensic Science from King’s College London in 2014 and a Master degree in Toxicology and Environmental Health from Utrecht University in 2017.