Partner 08: Universidade de Aveiro
Partner description
The University of Aveiro (UAVR) is a public foundation governed by private law that has as its mission the assistance and development of graduate and postgraduate education, research and cooperation with society ( UAVR assumes a leading role in the university landscape of Portugal – evidenced by the fact that it was recently considered the best Portuguese university in the ranking of the top 400 world universities. The UAVR is a privileged partner of companies and other national and international entities, with which it cooperates in many projects and programs, providing important services as well as developing innovative products and solutions that contribute to the advancement of science and technology. During 2021, 664 national and international research and technology transfer projects have been active in UAVR, of which 57 funded by H2020. The UAVR is the host institution of 10 ERC Grants and 1 ERA Chair, coordinates 2 FET Open and one TWINNING projects, among other relevant and strategic European projects.
Role in the project
UAVR is co-leading WP4 - Eco-toxicological assessment, focus on terrestrial and aquatic organisms. UAVR will also contribute to WP1 & WP2 (as the responsible of the Portuguese Case Study Site, CSS2-Bairrada).
Involved personnel
Dr. Abrantes s a researcher at CESAM- UARV with expertise in aquatic ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment. He has participated in several national and international projects (5 as PI; 2 as CO-PI). |
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Prof. dr. Gonçalves is Assistant Professor with habilitation at the Department of Biology (UAVR), leader of CESAM’s Environmental Risk Assessment Laboratory. He participated in 35 research projects. |
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Dr. Pereira is a researcher at CESAM-UAVR devoted to the development of ecotoxicological approaches to tackle current challenges of regulation and retrospective risk assessment. |
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Dr. Caetano is a Post Doc researcher at CESAM- UARV with expertise in terrestrial ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment. |
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Dr. Campos is a researcher at CESAM - UARV with expertise in soil and aquatic chemical and ecotoxicological assessment. |