University of Gloucestershire

Partner description

Established in 1988, the Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI) is part of the University of Gloucestershire. The CCRI is one of the leading specialist rural research centres in the UK. It has expertise in all aspects of research in policy and planning for the countryside, agriculture and environment, rural development and rural economy and society, with research staff including geographers, sociologists, economists, spatial planners, policy analysts, and environmental scientists. All work is ethically assured and formal systems are in place to enable monitoring and control of progress, finance and quality. CCRI has successfully managed large consortium projects for UK and EU public sector sponsors in recent years.


Role in the project

CCRI is partner in the project and will be WP leader for Dissemination and Communication (WP8) and contribute to WP 7 on policies and global health and WP1 with the stakeholder
workshops. CCRI will provide expertise in engaging and communicating with a wide range of stakeholders (research, regulators, advice, policy, farming) and ensuring the outputs of SPRINT are widely disseminated and exploited.

Involved personnel

13 Mills Dr Jane Mills is a Reader in Agri-environment behaviours with >20 years of experience in social sciences and agriculture. She has particular expertise in farmer behaviour, agricultural knowledge systems and knowledge exchange. She is currently leading the dissemination and communication activities for SoilCare and led the RECARE dissemination and communication work package. She was also involved in the stakeholder engagement and dissemination WPs for SmartSOIL and VALERIE projects.
hqdefault Dr Matt Reed is a Reader in Food Citizen with expertise in the relationships between people and food and food production. He has worked > 20 years with farmers, fishers and consumers. He has a particular specialism in the use of language and communications around food products, currently he is working on
projects for the UK government and Norwegian Research Council. He has led work packages in the FP7 project SUPURBFOOD and is working on
the H2020 project ROBUST. He has previously worked on the dissemination and communication work package in RECARE.
mMzwV6F3 400x400 Dr Charlotte-Anne Chivers is a research assistant at CCRI. Her research interests relate to exploring ways of producing food more sustainably whilst delivering environmental benefits. She has a particular interest in farmer behaviour, soil health, water quality, and agricultural extension. She completed a social sciences PhD on the efficacy of advice surrounding water quality and has a background in natural science, previously working in veterinary parasitology. She is also working on the EU-funded MINAGRIS project and is leading a Defra (UK) funded project on long-term agreements for landscape recovery. 
Honor Mackley-Ward is a research assistant at CCRI. Her research interests include global public health, sustainable agriculture, and planetary health. She has worked in both the environmental and social sciences, including climate change science, ecological public health, environmental epidemiology, environmental psychology, and behaviour change science. Her MSc research qualitatively investigated pathways to mainstreaming agrobiodiversity for human health.