Partner 16: Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria

Partner description

The National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) is a decentralized state agency with operational and financial self-sufficiency, dependent on the Ministry of Agroindustry of the Nation. It was created in 1956 and since then develops research and technological innovation actions in value chains, regions and territories to improve the competitiveness and sustainable rural development of the country. Its efforts are aimed at innovation as a driving force for development and integrate capacities to foster inter-institutional cooperation, generate knowledge and technologies and put them at the service of the sector through its extension, information and communication systems.

The institution has presence in all ecoregions of Argentina (Northwest, Northeast, Cuyo, Pampeana and Patagonia), through a structure that includes: a central headquarters, 15 regional centers, 52 experimental stations, 6 research centers and 22 institutes of research, and more than 350 Extension Units. The result of INTA's work allows the country to achieve greater potential and opportunities to access regional and international markets with products and services with high added value.


Role in the project

INTA will participate in WP1, WP2, WP6 and WP7 (as the responsible for the Argentinian Case Study Site,- CSS11-Buenos Aires). INTA assures the engagement of Argentina in the project, the main soy importer for animal feed in Europe.

Involved personnel

Dra Virginia Aparicio1 Dr. Aparicio is researcher at INTA and CONICET. He has 15 years of experience in soil science and agronomy. Relevant experiences include the coordination of institutional projects (INTA) and participating in the group responsible for FONCyT projects.
Ing Agr. Ms Martin Zamora Ms. Zamora is researcher of INTA. He has 15 years of experience in agronomy. Relevant experiences include the coordination of institutional projects (INTA) and a wide dissemination of experimental results to the agricultural producer and the community (especially on agro-ecological production).
Dr. Giaccio1 Dr. Giaccio is INTA development agent. He has > 20 years of experience in agronomy. Recently he has started a line of research on soil bioremediation.
Dr. Eduardo De Gerónimo Dr. De Gerónimo is researcher of INTA and CONICET. He has > 10 years of experience in biochemistry, analytical methodologies and soil. 
Dra. Cecilia Aranguren Dr. Aranguren is Magíster Scientiae in Local Processes of Innovation and Rural Development (UNMDP-FCA) and a PhD in Geography (Department of Geography-UNS). Researcher of the INTA in the Area of Economy and Rural Sociology of the EEA-Balcarce and teacher in the Master PLIDER-FCAUNMDP.
Ing. Juan Erreguerena Ing. Erreguerena is INTA development agent. He has > 35 years of experience in agronomy and rural sociology. He coordinates a Rural Change group with organic, agro-ecological and conventional producers in Lobería. He carries out demonstration tests of agronomic practices in his locality.
 Ing Rodolfo Tula

Ing. Agr. Rodolfo Tula is a development agent for INTA. Has> 10 years of experience in agronomy and agroecology. He works in extension and participatory research, within the framework of family farming. He managed and coordinated actions of Territorial Organization in the party, of articulation with institutions, of formation of Rural Change groups, of support to the social economy and family productions. Between 2013 and 2015, he also participated in the start-up and management of INTA's Agroecology Network (REDAE).

 Dr Costa PhD José Luis Costa is a researcher (ex-INTA), has> 40 years of experience in soil physics and salinity. He trained undergraduate and postgraduate human resources, was a professor at the Irrigation Chair and at the Soil Physics Chair for more than 20 years. He coordinated institutional (INTA) and extra-institutional (University, FONCyT, etc) research projects. I coordinate the agronomy research area of EEA INTA Balcarce for more than 10 years. Currently, he works as an agricultural engineer privately and collaborates in the activities of SPRINT.