Partner 26: Universiteit Antwerpen

Partner description

The Universiteit Antwerpen (UA) is a young, dynamic and forward-thinking university (>20.000 students and > 5000 staff). In 2018 it ranked 14th in the “Top 50 Universities Under 50 years”. It produces over 3600 peer-reviewed scientific publications per year. The European Commission has awarded the University with the “HR Excellence in Research” quality label. UA is also part of the AURORA and YERUN networks for young European universities. UA has an excellent track record with regards to the participation in EU framework research and innovation programmes. It has been participating in 124 7th Framework Programme (FP7) projects. Up until 1 April 2019, the University of Antwerp has signed 94 Horizon 2020 grants, including 6 ERC Starting Grants, 4 ERC Consolidator Grants, 1 ERC Advanced Grant, 24 Marie Curie Individual Fellowships and has participated in 13 Innovative Training Networks, 2 FET Flagships and 4 Research Infrastructure projects.


Role in the project

UA is partner in the project and involved in WP4. UA will i) provide access to a European network to obtain human (urine) samples, ii) provide expertise from a human toxicological health perspective, iii) provide expertise on renal pathology, particularly driven by a recent discovery (by UA) of a renal histological lesion that can be directly linked to pesticides and iv) contribute in rat renal tissue analysis, with particular emphasis on evaluating the presence of the toxicity associated lesion.

Involved personnel

26 Vervaert Dr. Vervaet is a postdoctoral researcher at the Lab of Pathophysiology working on the cell biology of repair in acute and chronic kidney injury and on the mechanism of pesticide induced kidney disease.
26 Haese Prof. dr. D’Haese is the head of the Lab of Pathophysiology and an expert on kidney disease and related co-morbidities including arterial medial calcification with a broad expertise on (heavy) metal induced toxicity.
26 De Broe Prof. dr. De Broe is the former head of the Lab of Pathophysiology and expert on toxic renal diseases. He currently works on retrieving global epidemiological evidence for pesticide induced chronic kidney disease.