New SPRINT factsheet: Pesticide residues and human health hazards compared against EU classifications
We are pleased to announce the publication of a new SPRINT summary factsheet, which is based on a recent paper by several SPRINT partners.
This factsheet provides some key findings from the human health-related data, including from crop and indoor dust samples, with the main hazards focused on including cancer and endocrine disruption. Access the summary factsheet by clicking here.
Pesticides and their breakdown products found in rural air: new factsheet out now.
The latest addition to our series of paper summaries is out now. Recently published research by SPRINT partner Freya Debler and team forms the basis of the facsheet, which tells a striking story about the presence of pesticide residues in rural air. Most samples contained mixtures of residues, not dissimilar to what we find in food and water samples. However, unlike residues in food and water, airborne pesticide residues are not accounted for when calculating the maximum levels people can safely be exposed to day-to-day. Read more about Freya and team's findings by clicking here.
New SPRINT paper: pesticide residues in European sediments
We are pleased to announce the publication of a new paper in Environmental Research, entitled 'Pesticide residues in European sediments: A significant concern for aquatic systems?'. Stay posted for an upcoming summary factsheet!
Success stories: Moving away from synthetic pesticide reliance
We are pleased to share a suite of success story factsheets, developed as part of the SPRINT project. The factsheets provide short overviews for a wide range of initiatives from across Europe, each of which have successfully transitioned away from a reliance on synthetic pesticides for producing food and/or beverages. The factsheets are available here: success story factsheets.